Homeowners Association

Savannah Ridge Homeowner's Association - Welcome!

Welcome to the Savannah Ridge Homeowner's Association website. Information highlighted in RED has been added in the past 30 days. The various menu items will keep you updated on our activities and provide you the opportunity to offer comments and suggestions. We hope you find the information you are seeking, but if not, feel free to contact us by clicking on the following e-mail address: srhoa-board@srhoa.net.


Messages from the Board & Committees

E-BIKES AND SCOOTER SAFETY - There has been a noticeable increase in E-Bike/Scooter use within the neighborhood. Several near misses with cars on Georgian Drive have been reported. Parents and their children are encouraged to become familiar with the LSPD brochure Bicycling Tips & Laws.

The brochure is posted under DOWNLOADS, BICYCLING TIPS &LAWS

GEORGIAN DRIVE TRAFFIC STUDY - The City has completed the traffic study for Georgian Drive. The results concluded that no engineering treatments, i.e. speed humps, were justified. The study is posted under DOWNLOADS, 2024 TRAFFIC SAFETY STUDY.

MONTHLY BOARD MEETINGS - The Board meets monthly, normally on the second Tuesday of each month. Any homeowner, in good standing, may attend as an observer. The meeting location is in the home of a board member. We ask you to notify us a few days in advance if you will be attending to ensure space is available.

If you have an item you'd like placed on the agenda for discussion, please forwarded to the Association's e-mail srhoa-board@srhoa.net. at least 7 days before the meeting date. The request should include a brief statement regarding the agenda item and state if you will be attending to present the item. Agenda items from the membership will be discussed 1st. The Board serves on your behalf and encourages your input. A list of Board meeting dates/time/location can be found under DOWNLOADS to the right.

NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH - The LSPD have provided an article about home security. It’s posted under “DOWNLOADS” – LSPD Neighborhood News.



Do you have something to share with your neighbors? A good recipe, news of someone in your family. Just send us an e-mail and we'll be happy to post it. You may also enjoy the Savannah Ridge Neighborhood Group facebook site. Homeowners can join by going to this site and request to join. Only residents may join.


Mission Statement

The mission of the Savannah Ridge Homeowner's Association is to promote a safe, secure and esthetically pleasing neighborhood in which to live. The Association officers, in cooperation with the membership, will execute their responsibilities in a fiscally responsible and businesslike manner by following the Association Bylaws and the recorded Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of Savannah Ridge